Month: September 2011

  • The Floppy Empire.

    Okay, everyone, I found it: This is the reason the Internet exists.

    See, it’s a highly skilled thing, that took time, and nobody would’ve appreciated it — but, thanks to the web, a half a million people and counting can genuinely, deeply get a fun little kick out of it, including me.


    Now: Pretend like I also wrote a whole profound big entry about how the term “floppy empire” can serve as a parallel to current-age America.

    Insightful, yeah? Right? I know.


    Speaking of which, I used to actually blog. Like, produce my own content and try to be clever and cultivate a brand and everything.

    But now, despite my knowledge of the criticisms against them, I totally understand why merely recycling the content of others is the way to go.

    I mean, sheesh, it’s so much easier. Did you see that earlier? I posted a link — to material much cooler than anything I could’ve produced.


    Well, I do have one thing, though.

    My website got on Reddit (the “front page of the Internet”) social bookmarking site this morning and, to be honest, that little even worked out really well for me.

    So, if you have a reddit account and wouldn’t mind upvoting it here, that would be greatly appreciated. :D


    Oh, and God totally answers prayer. Definitely. Just so you know. Had a good moment there.

  • Prayers & Possibilities

    Got some selfish prayers in mind tonight! :D


    Also, a video explaining why professional video gaming will be difficult to catch on.


    And a super creepy video (well, creepy to me at least – perhaps adorable to everyone else) about an aquatic creature trying to communicate with people by mimicking the noise of their engine.


    Finally, my choices for the top ten best knock knock jokes ever.

  • The Capricious Whims of Muse

    Uh oh. Have been feeling ridiculously creative lately. Not that I have been ridiculously creative, but I certainly feel that way. If this continues, expect more content here. Will need an outlet.