Month: December 2011

  • An Overwrought Analogy And A Funny Gaming Website

    For a few years, I lived in an above-the-garage apartment. It had an overhanging deck at the back, with a set of stairs leading up to it from ground level. A couple summers ago, for reasons I cannot remember, one evening I came home with a wet set of clothes, including blue jeans.

    What I do remember is that the weather was hot, cloudless, and relentlessly sunny. I just laid out the clothes over the railing, putting some sort of improvised weight on them to keep them from blowing away.

    Then, in classic Eric Bailey fashion, I forgot they were out there, largely because I was rarely out on the deck.

    As a result, days or maybe a couple weeks later, I finally got around to retrieving the formerly wet set of clothes. The result was interesting: The parts of the jeans that were directly exposed to sunlight were faded into a very light color. Considering the haphazard way in which I had laid them out, the effect was by no means symmetrical or orderly; what I now had, undesirably, was a pair of jeans with a wildly two-toned look that varied between a classic blue tone and an almost-white pallor in wide swaths.

    Since these were jeans that fit me and had no holes, I was a little saddened. In my eyes, they were ruined. They looked startlingly different, and very chaotic, not appealing to my eyes and certainly, I would guess, not standing much of a chance at a favorable view by anyone else either.

    Eventually, on a whim, and possibly due to being behind on laundry, I wore them out. As in, in public. Like, people actually saw me wearing this weird pair of two-tone, sun-faded, crazy-lookin’ jeans.


    They liked ‘em. I actually got complimented on what they believed was a hip, chic style choice. Even my then-girlfriend, now my wife, gave an approving nod.

    Here I was with what at one time had been just an average pair of blue jeans, then accidentally changed into what I thought was a horror, but in truth was now enjoyed more fondly than before.

    Why can’t more things in life work out that way?

    Of course, now they have holes in them and I likely need to get rid of the pair, so maybe I should not drag the analogy out too far.


    Just a quick plug for what has, for a while now, been among my favorite gaming websites: Flailthroughs, a blog dedicated to chronicling the adventures of a team of gamers who play Japanese games… without knowing the Japanese language. Check it out. Enjoy. Spread the word.

  • Something Fun To Say:

    I am more sure of the existence of God than I am of the existence of you.

  • Tim Tebow, Graphing Calculators, Knock Knock Jokes

    Three quick hits and an afterthought:


    Chuck Klosterman’s thoughts on Tim Tebow: Here. Some of the most honest, objective, insightful stuff I’ve read about the Tebow phenomenon.


    This xkcd comic is awesome, and shows how computer technology has advanced, especially in regards to getting cheaper — yet, suspiciously, graphing calculators have hardly made the same progress…


    My picks for the Top 10 Best Knock Knock Jokes ever.


    In about three hours, I am going to endure my first live podcast interview. I have been interviewed before, but always recorded and edited before the piece actually airs. Now, while I am confident in my conversational skills, and have been appropriately briefed on the topics we will be covering, I am still somewhat nervous. If anything, though, I’m just glad my hobby life is getting somewhere.